Service Does Not Have to Be Ugly
My idea of poor customer service is simple: When it’s clear that the customer service staff doesn’t care that I’m choosing to bring my business to their establishment, that’s bad service. That doesn’t mean that the staffer is intentionally rude, or ignores me (although those definitely fit the description). It could be as small as a tone of voice, a lack of eye contact, or being slow to acknowledge that I exist. Good customer service is often as simple as attitude and attentiveness. Oh, and I want to be thanked for my business.
Retail is becoming a tougher and tougher place to provide great customer service. I believe that I’m indicative of today’s consumer, in that I’m already fairly educated when I walk into a store. I’ve done research on the internet, I’ve asked my social circle for recommendations, and I’m going in with information. The annoying part? When I know more about the product that I’m looking to buy than the sales associate does. In that case, the staff should simply acknowledge that they don’t know and find the information for me, rather than attempt to talk in a circle to disguise their ignorance.
I’d like to think that we provide uncommon service at Highland Pacific every day. But one instance that really stands out was when a patron left a wallet at the course last summer. One of our staffers mapped the driver’s license address and drove the wallet back to its rightful owner. They’ll remember that for a long time I think.
Thanks to Matt for providing his insight into customer service. It was a slice. (Hey, I was good. I had every opportunity to be golf punny but I took the high road.) Please let me know if your business is ever interested in participating in an Upsell Q&A. Love to hear from you.
Man, people must actually read your blog Russ! I’m getting comments like crazy about this.
I don’t know whether to be happy for you or hurt that you’re so surprised.