Engage. Engage. Engage.
I’m not trying to push anyone into getting married. What I’m doing is begging, pleading with businesses to interact and get to know their customers. This can be as simple as connecting over the cashier counter or getting to know your community over online channels.
These are your people…your “tribe.” Your customers are the reason you are in business and are already in a relationship with you. They just want a little attention. A little love. And if they don’t get it from you…they’ll find someone else who will.
You know what? It is like a marriage. A strong, committed relationship.
If you don’t listen, pay attention or respond to praise/criticism, the relationship is going to end. Yes, I’m still talking about businesses…
I’m not asking you to be someone you’re not. If your brand is serious and informative, be serious and informative. If your brand is whimsical and energetic, that’s what you’ll be. Just be something and be social.
Don’t hide. Get engaged. Keep it social.