Future Shop customer service

FUTURE SHOP: A Story of Customer Service Effort

I don’t get a lot of submissions for customer service kudos (always wish I got more), but Kris decided to share a recent experience he had. Considering the last story he shared with me didn’t go so well, I’m glad this Future Shop story may balance the customer service karma a bit. Over to you Kris…

I write this from the other side of the country, where I was having operating system issues for an Apple MacBook Air I bought in Victoria, BC several years ago. I upgraded the operating system through the Apple store, thinking that would solve it, but no luck. I took it upon myself to take that same operating system upgrade (Mountain Lion) and put it on a USB stick, so I could re-install the operating system from scratch. It was a success! The only challenge came a few weeks later when I realized the iLife package wasn’t included on the operating system (GarageBand, iMovie, iPhoto etc). I tweeted out asking if anyone knew how I could get a legal copy of GarageBand, which I legally had on my operating system before the re-install. No one knew, so I decided to tweet @Futureshop and ask them if they had any suggestions, they asked me to email them the details of my issue.

Within 48 hours I had an email from the manager of the Victoria Futureshop, generously offering to have his staff install iLife for me if I’d bring my laptop in. I replied, humbled by the offer, but mentioned I’m currently in Peterborough, Ontario. The next day he emailed me to give me the name of the Manager, and the head of Technical Services at the Futureshop there, telling me he spoke with them and they would install iLife for me if I brought my laptop in.

I brought it in, and 30 minutes later I walked out with iLife installed. All it cost me was a smile and a handshake, which I was eager to provide.

Thanks to:

@Futureshop on Twitter and socialmedia@futureshop.com, General Manager of Uptown Futureshop (Victoria) Matt Young, General Manager of Peterborough Futureshop Skip (no last name), as well as Mike McKnight of their Technical Services who collectively made this such an effortless resolution process.

 Thanks for sharing that Kris. An email, an assessment of the situation and a little effort equals a happy customer who is going online to brag about his experience. Not a bad goal for any business, small or big box. Have any Future Shop customer service stories you’d like to share in the comments below?

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