Beyond the HR Poster – What Psychological Safety Looks Like at Work

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Beyond the HR Poster – What Psychological Safety Looks Like at Work

Episode 62 . 00:00

What does psychological safety look like at work? 

Words are great. Understanding the behaviours associated with those words is better.

In this monthly series, we’re going beyond those cliched HR platitudes and “aspirational” posters on the office wall to find out what those important aspects really look for employees. I’ll be proposing a question to you across the Relationships at Work platforms on what a particular topic looks like at work. It’s not just about what it actually feels like but what are the actions employees associate with these terms.

When it comes to psychological safety, it seems a lot of it comes down to diversity and inclusion.

Thank you to everyone who participated. And feel free to answer as well in the comments below.

From our platforms

To me, psychological safety is about creating an environment where people can express how they feel without fear of losing their job or being judged for diverse views. Is there any other way to lead teams? Answer: Nope!
– Stacy Sherman

That’s an excellent question that I don’t hear people asking. Physical safety is one thing, but psychological safety is necessary for authenticity and the kind of vulnerability a strong team demands. Psychological safety is knowing if you mess up, it’s not the end of the world. This is a low bar, but no gaslighting, no backstabbing. Leadership that ensures safe spaces for honest and frank discussions and welcomes feedback and constructive criticism.
– Lynn Hughes

For me it looks like a place where everyone can participate as their authentic self, have their domain expertise integrated with thoughtfulness, and feel like they are working as a team with common goals. – Justin Breaux

Being creative, innovative, & sharing feedback without fear. Being your true self at work. – Erin Hallet

From the Relationships at Work FB Community

Page DeWolfe

To me, it is in part freedom from micro-aggressions, harassment, or bullying and in part understanding of and accommodation for any mental health issues. Being able to be open about depression or ADHD or what have you and being supported instead of disciplined.

Ayana Horton

It means not having to assimilate in the way you think, behave, or look. It means that my professional self is valued in the workplace just like anyone else’s professional self is valued.

Nicole Folk

Being able to say that I disagree to anyone I work with and it being respected.

Suzanne Babcock

Being able to get through an entire shift without feeling the need to break down due to daily anxiety caused by a toxic coworker.

Alexandra Regina

Being able to say what I need to feel safe during an active pandemic and having it honoured and supported

Vogue Mahone
I’ve never had a 9-5 job where this existed, but people being treated with the same respect and consideration regardless of their position would be a great start.

Gloria Valle

Feeling safe to be honest if you disagree with a decision that is counter productive.
What does psychological safety look like to you in the workplace? Please share.

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