customer feedback

You Can Write Blogs that Big Business Will Notice

It’s the end of 2011 and by now you’ve probably been inundated with about a billion Top 10 lists, “best of” lists, “my favourite” lists, “your favourite” lists, “most viewed” lists, and lists about lists. TV, social media, newspapers…it’s hard to escape the “year in review” wave, so if you can’t beat them, join them. (insert sarcastic laughter here).

This list is more about reflection and realization than it is about the year gone by. Since starting this blog, and long before, I’ve heard countless people complain about how bad customer service is getting, how badly they’ve been wronged and that nobody ever listens. Thankfully, you’ve got a lot more power than you know you do. Guest blogging on The Upsell or starting our own online presence allows you to get your message across. Hell, sometimes it even scares the bujesus out of some businesses, big and small. Below are three blogs that got the attention of some pretty significant companies. My secret: I wrote something, people read it, people commented and/or shared it, companies noticed it.

1)   London Drugs: Alone Among the Electronics – One of my first blogs, with this one focusing on staffing levels. A rep from London Drugs commented (since been lost due to a change in commenting platforms) that they had passed it on. The funny part is I ran into that same rep a few months later to find out that I had caused a little worry in their Executive…they’d not been singled out like that in a negative blog and didn’t know how to react. I did get their attention though.

2)   Best Buy: Shhh Listen – I was contacted through a Best Buy rep and told they would fix my issue. The problem is, the issue they fixed actually wasn’t the issue I had. It’s good they’re paying attention and monitoring what’s being said but there’s a difference in “reading” versus “hearing”. I just had to write a follow up blog.

3)   Sears: Customer Service Jekyll & Hyde – My most recent big box store encounter was a case of good in-house customer service vs. bad delivery. This blog resulted in multiple phone calls, Twitter responses and a resolution to my issue. Not bad for a couple hundred words.

The “power of social media” gets thrown around a lot but it really does give a voice to those that didn’t feel like they are being heard. I’m not saying you should rant for ranting’s sake…there’s way too many trolls doing that already (you know who you are). I’m talking about holding businesses accountable in a constructive, critical way, and making sure they stand behind their product. Not in an “insert f-bomb and non-sensical tirade here.” If you’re creative, clear and concerned, you’ll be amazed at how effective you can be. Pick a platform you’re comfortable with and go to town, you could be the next United Airlines Breaks Guitars guy/gal. And you always have the option of guest reviewing here on the Upsell.

Express your concerns, big business is listening.


  • I think that 2011 could be called the year where corporations get called out for taking customers for granted. Verizon, Netflix, Bank of America, GoDaddy, and OceanMarketing, are among those who really fell down in 2011 because they didn’t think about the customer as they made business decisions.

    Verizon Learns a Lesson:

    • I agree but I think it’s just an example of the public’s growing realization that social media allows them to have a voice…that can be shared, retweed, followed, liked, etc. Businesses, just like the couple that you mentioned, really have to understand that if they screw up, they are going to have to face the online mob. It’s how they respond to those challenges that is the real story and measure of their business success.

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